Your account manager is your go-to contact for your day-to-day accounting operations and questions. However, some days escape the routine. Every business must take decisions that will have a long-term impact. At these pivotal moments in the life cycle of your company, you can count on the support of our Team of Experts.

Acquisitions and mergers

We will determine the value of the company you want to acquire, compare the possibilities against related challenges and risks, and investigate the best financing options. We can participate in negotiations with the counterparties and banks, to make sure that all financial, tax and, accounting aspects have been taken into consideration. The due diligence process will reveal whether the proposed figures correspond to reality.

Together with a lawyer, we will draft the agreements to complete the project.

Optimization of group structure

Does your company still have the right structure? Does its form still meet the requirements of its current needs and activities and is it the best choice in terms of growth or succession?

Ad hoc or structural support

Our experts provide advice on an on-call or proactive basis. After completing a change process, it may also be advisable to structurally embed the role of experts in your company. You can also contact us for that.

Lauwers Academy

Our Team of Experts does not only pass on its knowledge as advice to our customers. During the monthly meetings of Lauwers Academy, they also deepen the knowledge of our own employees on the basis of concrete cases or current topics.

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